MUSICODE's M36 Review meeting was live on January
12 mos ago
The SME TinniT has been founded by research assistants from the Battelle Institute located in Frankfurt/Main, Germany. Since that time the company has been located in Karlsruhe (Germany) and employs five engineers and scientists. The core areas TinniT is involved in are prototyping, development, technical calculations (numerics) and technical software solutions. TinniT is working in the area of environmental technologies, process engineering, plant construction and safety technologies. TinniT has its focus on the simulation of heat and mass transfer through cellular material together with phase-change-materials or biological materials with specific properties. Besides that TinniT develops new multiscale materials using 3D-printing and coating of printed materials with specific micro-porous materials.
TinniT has developed a film model which is integrated into TinFlow. TinFlow is a fully parallelized CFD-Solver (MPI) using the domain decomposition method. It is capable to solve connective gas flows along a liquid film with integrated heat and mass transfer to get the development of film thickness (film model). TinFlow-poro is an addon model which addresses flows and heat transfer in porous media. TinniT is experienced in the simulation of bonding processes which occur mostly in very small gaps with non-Newtonian viscosity laws and wetting issues at the walls (temperature driven) which is at least a similar approach compared to the flow and heat transfer approach in slot-die applications but not as complex as addressed within MUSICODE.
Dr.-Ing. Aron Kneer (M)
Managing director
1982-1989 Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, TU-Karlsruhe
2010-2014 PhD (Dr.-Ing.), KIT-Karlsruhe
Professional career
1989-1993 Project engineer at Battelle Institut e.V., Research center, Frankfurt / Main
1993-2000 Project leader at Battelle Ingenieurtechnik GmbH, Eschborn
2001-dato Founder and Managing director of TinniT Technologies GmbH, R&D
2008-2015 Adjunct professor for Fluid Mechanics at the University of Applied Sciences
2010-2014 Foundation of TinniT Technologies Spain, 2014 handover to a spanish subcontractor
2015-dato Professorship „Formation des Solarteurs“, Teaching in the field of renewable energies at Communauté Électrique Du Benin (CEB), Westafrica
2016-2017 Shared position (TinniT and HS-Karlsruhe) at the university of applied sciences in Karlsruhe, Department leader at the institute IMP (Multiphase Flow), Group leader at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Applied Materials (IAM, Prof. Nestler).
2018-2020 Shared position at the NGO GzFEE e.V, Research cooperation with the university Abomey-Calavi (Benin) in the field of solar technology, fine dust absorption systems, simulation (CFD) and measurements.
2018-dato Guest scientist at the applied university of Karlsruhe.
Dr. rer. nat. Michael Wirtz (M)
Senior project manager R&D.
1980-1987 Diploma in Mathematics, University Münster
1987-1991 PhD (Dr. rer. nat.), University Münster
Professional career
1993-2000 Scientific assistant and software developer at Battelle Ingenieurtechnik GmbH, Eschborn (until 28.02.1993: Battelle Institut e.V., Frankfurt)
2000-2001 Consulting service for Ingenieurbüro TinniT, Karlsruhe
2001 Co-founder of TinniT Technologies GmbH
2001-2015 2nd Managing director of TinniT Technologies GmbH, R&D
2015-dato Project coordinator and project leader R&D