MUSICODE's M36 Review meeting was live on January
12 mos ago
The Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague is one of the largest schools providing civil engineering education worldwide. Over the years, graduates from the school have created engineering works that have laid grounds for the school's famous historical tradition. Keeping with the tradition of excellence, today's graduates exhibit a high quality of engineering craftsmanship and skills. The academic community comprises approximately 5500 students and 400 teaching and research staff. The Department of Mechanics is active in teaching and research of concrete and composite materials, as well as numerical methods in mechanics. This development ranges from micro-scale material models to macro scale models involving complex multi-physics phenomena at different scales. The experimental facilities complement the numerical simulations and provide valuable validation and verification data. The department is actively developing and maintaining several open-source simulation tools that have been accepted by research community worldwide.
Multi-physics modelling in mechanics, particularly adaptive techniques, high-performance computing, development of open integration platform MuPIF, software development.
Bořek Patzák (M)
Prof. Dr. Ing. Bořek Patzák (Male), Professor of structural mechanics at Czech Technical University, Vice dean for Science and Research. Main research activities: multi-physics modelling in mechanics, particularly adaptive techniques, constitutive modelling of quasibrittle materials, high-performance computing and software development. Original author of an open source finite element simulation code OOFEM ( and multi-physics integration platform MuPIF (
Vít Šmilauer (M)
Associate professor at Czech technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering. Main research activities: micromechanical and multi-scale simulations, development of numerical simulation software.