MUSICODE's M42 meeting was live on June
8 mos ago
Fluxim was founded in 2006 as a spin-off from the Institute of Computational Physics of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, Switzerland. Fluxim is an SME dedicated to providing R&D tools for organic and perovskite electronics R&D, more specifically the OLED display, lighting, and photovoltaics industry. Fluxim provides 6 complementary products in its modelling and measurement divisions: Setfos, Laoss, Phelos, Litos, and Litos Lite. The tools of Fluxim are employed along the full value chain of OE development. Customers cover a wide range that focus on material and device development over process up-scaling engineering to stability assessment.
Fluxim’s expertise in physical modelling, numerical methods, software engineering, but also hardware development and measurement techniques has led to an international business model in these key growth industrial and academic markets. Fluxim’s core activities are: Combination of competence in software engineering, organic semiconductor physics, numerical methods and advanced device characterization Commercialization of R&D tools for scientists and engineers in Organic and Perovksite Electronics worldwide Technical consulting and support to customers in academia and industry
Beat Ruhstaller (M)
Prof. Ruhstaller founded Fluxim in 2006 as a spin-off from Zurich University of Applied Sciences. He has been active in organic electronics since his Ph.D. at University of California in Santa Cruz and IBM Almaden Research Center (USA), and his postdoctoral research at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory (Switzerland).
Sandra Jenatsch (F)
Dr. Jenatsch obtained her Ph.D. from the EPFL (CH) in 2017. Her work on organic solar cells and light-emitting devices which was carried out at Empa was awarded with the Prof. René Wasserman price in 2018. Currently, she contributes to a variety of research projects of Fluxim and is also coaching Ph.D and M.Sc. students in collaboration with several European universities. Some of her responsibilities include the training of business partners and customers using the scientific tools of Fluxim.