MUSICODE's M42 meeting was live on June
9 mos ago
ESTECO is an independent software company, highly specialized in numerical optimization and simulation process and data management. The company relies on a sound scientific foundation and embraces a flexible approach to meet customer needs. ESTECO offers innovative and flexible solutions to safely create, capture and cultivate engineering knowledge and address the challenges of digital transformation. With a 20-year experience, ESTECO supports over 300 international organizations in excelling in their digital engineering experience, accelerating the decision-making process and reducing development time. Ford Motor Company, Honda, Lockheed Martin, Toyota and Whirlpool are just a few of the major companies relying on ESTECO technology. ESTECO is the owner of VOLTA, the collaborative web platform for Simulation Process and Data Management and design optimization, and modeFRONTIER, the comprehensive solution for process automation and optimization in the engineering design process. Since the foundation as a university spin-off, ESTECO has contributed to several funded research projects and established a close relationship with academia. Professors around the world use the modeFRONTIER optimization solution to teach students how to approach multidisciplinary engineering problems in real life.
ESTECO develops modeFRONTIER (a multi-objective design environment), Volta (a collaborative web platform for simulation process and data management and design optimization) and Cardanit (a web designer for workflows in ISO standard BPMN and DMN). All these three products already in commerce will be used to base developments for the MUSICODE software platform. ESTECO will provide its expertise in software development by contributing to the use of well-consolidated software development practices based on agile methodologies and test-driven development in a continuous integration and continuous deployment cycle.
Dario Campagna (M)
Head of Research and Development. PhD in mathematics and computer science from the University of Perugia (Italy). He is currently a senior researcher and agile coach at ESTECO, Trieste, Italy. He is actively involved in ESTECO development and research activities in the field of business process management. He took part in both regional and European research projects. He is co-author of papers on business process management and modelling.
Alessandro Segatto (M)
Product Manager for Research Products. He has a master degree in computer engineering and a strong technical background, matured working as a software engineer for 5 years. Currently he transforms company research and business goals into both conceptually and technologically innovative products for users. He worked with SaaS products and cloud technologies while now his focus is primarily on mobile applications.
Enrico Rigoni (M)
Head and senior researcher of Numerical Methods Group. MSc in physics from University of Trieste, Italy. As the head and senior researcher of the numerical methods group at ESTECO, he is currently responsible for a team of 8 people. Company co-supervisor of two PhD students. Several publications in journals and conference proceedings on multi-objective optimisation. Teacher of optimisation courses for industrial customers and universities in Italy and abroad.
Alan Del Piccolo, PhD (M)
Researcher and Software Engineer. PhD in computer science from the University of Venice (Italy). He has been working in ESTECO for two years, first in the Research and Development department and then in the Software Development area. He is focused on HCI subjects, such as user experience and information architecture.
Mattia De Bernardi (M)
Research software engineer. He has a master degree in computer engineer from the University of Trieste, Italy. His thesis related \on the application of convolutional neural networks to industrial use cases. He has been working for the last two years on a mobile web application, based on cloud technologies and artificial intelligence such as deep learning and recommender systems.
Mattia Milleri (M)
Software engineer. He has a degree in computer engineering from the University of Trieste (Italy). He contributed to ESTECO research activities in the field of business process management, while exploring development of SaaS products and cloud technologies. He is currently a senior developer at ESTECO advancing the work started with previous research projects.